Has green beans and the turnout of people, lots of vitamins and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus, along with all other materials and iron strengthen human immunity.
And is usually the majority of the tables from which the food green beans as an essential element, and offers a variety of dishes such as fried rice, bean, guardian, bulgur wheat, bean.
And on the nutritional value of beans green studies indicate that a diet of beans are full and healthy and resistant to stress and tired body. And also studies confirm its importance and benefits for people with diabetes, a fiber that is not absorbed by the body ingests may vary not, the beans absorb the sugar from the body, thereby reducing sugar stored in it.
And beans on a serving of meat is high in protein, up to 25 percent, but it lacks certain amino acids, eaten with cereals such as wheat and rice, the meal full of protein.
It features a rich composition balvaitostroginat beans, vehicles that make excellent vegetables, beans regarding hormonal control.
Of the most important benefits of green beans:
1 rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron and phosphorus.
2 resisting stress and fatigue, which affects the body.
3 believe it contains complex chemical compounds resistant to oral cancers.
4 is good for the heart in terms of increasing the level of good cholesterol in the blood.
5 works to lower blood pressure in women at the menopausal stage.
6 maintain the blood sugar level.
7 contains material strengthens the body's immunity against different diseases.
8 Peel bean struggles constipation which infects the stomach.
9 bean blossom property increased diuresis.
The beans take so long in the stomach when you digest it so when you eat a human feel fullness.
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