It is a chronic disease that results in an abnormal increase in the blood sugar level of the inability of the body to use and convert glucose to energy.
Diabetes occurs as a result of the defect in the metabolism llkerbohidritt lack of secretion of the pancreas or insulin resistant cells of the body, which leads to high blood sugar and urine.
And accompanied by this disease also disorder in the metabolism of proteins and fats.
What are the types of diabetes?
- Type I (insulin-dependent)
Depends entirely on external insulin dependence.
Repeat the sugar coma.
There is no self insulin (or very low)
Often patients natural or weight less than normal.
- Type II (non-insulin-dependent)
The vast majority of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Usually appears after the age of 30, but with the increasing prevalence of obesity became possible infection at an early age, childhood or adolescence.Striking families more prevalent.
The patient has the ability to produce insulin, but not enough, or there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the cells of the body, or resistance to impact.Do not repeat the sugar coma.Often patients suffer from obesity.
Controlled BA sold a proper diet and physical exercise and sometimes a patient needs to reduced sugar pills or insulin.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Chronic complications of diabetes:
The quantity that must be dealt with in the diabetic daily:
The basic requirement for adolescents is About 2,200 rate for girls and 2,800 price for kids.
The basic requirement for adults-Med activity:
Around 1800 the rate for women and 2,500 for men.
The quantity that must be eaten by diabetics in today:
Meal times:
1. Diabetes insulin-dependent:
Divide the meal insulin-dependent diabetic to 3 popular meals and from 2-3 snacks. must specify the main meal times or the light with where consistent with the type and dose of insulin and the physical activity of the patient to prevent a decrease in blood sugar during the Summit did insulin.
Diabetes-insulin dependent:
Divide the meals to 3 meals and popular snack before bed.
Usually appears after the age of 30, but with the increasing prevalence of obesity became possible infection at an early age, childhood or adolescence.Striking families more prevalent.
The patient has the ability to produce insulin, but not enough, or there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the cells of the body, or resistance to impact.Do not repeat the sugar coma.Often patients suffer from obesity.
Controlled BA sold a proper diet and physical exercise and sometimes a patient needs to reduced sugar pills or insulin.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
- A lot of drinking water
- Generate a large amount of urine
- Permanent hunger
- Fatigue and tiredness, Permanent
- Weight loss
- Analysis of sugar fasting over 126 mg/5.5 mmol
Chronic complications of diabetes:
- Kidney disease
- Heart disease
- Respiratory diseases
- Eye diseases
- Diseases of the foot
- Divided meals diabetic type II non insulin-dependent to the three main meals and 2-3 snacks a day.
The quantity that must be dealt with in the diabetic daily:
- First the calories or energy:
The basic requirement for adolescents is About 2,200 rate for girls and 2,800 price for kids.
The basic requirement for adults-Med activity:
Around 1800 the rate for women and 2,500 for men.
- Carbohydrates (starches):Must represent 55-65% of the daily calorie intake
- Protein:A 12-20% of daily caloric intake
- Fats:Represents 25-30 percent of daily calories
The quantity that must be eaten by diabetics in today:
- Set bread:
- Vegetable group:-3-5 portions a day and the amount is about 1 cup vegetables or ½ cup vegetable paper clip or three four-vegetable juice
- Fruit group:-3-4 amount per day and represents the amount about the fruit of Apple, orange or banana or ½ cup juice
- The dairy group and montgatha:-2-3 the amount per day and represents the amount about 1 cup fat free milk 2 cups yogurt young
- Meat and beans group:-2-3 the amount per day and represents the amount some piece of meat in a Palm-sized or 2 eggs aurba farkha aonsev cup cooked legumes
- Total fat or oils, sweets:Use a small amount.
Meal times:
1. Diabetes insulin-dependent:
Divide the meal insulin-dependent diabetic to 3 popular meals and from 2-3 snacks. must specify the main meal times or the light with where consistent with the type and dose of insulin and the physical activity of the patient to prevent a decrease in blood sugar during the Summit did insulin.
Diabetes-insulin dependent:
Divide the meals to 3 meals and popular snack before bed.