Hair is said to be is a master of beauty and elegance are the natural complement! A valid argument but nothing can match the beautiful skin and healthy and radiant even if the facial. If we look at the stars closely to figure that true excellence in atalalthn lies not in the curling or the dress but in the epidermis and attractive smile.
This week and talk about the bright skin, we decided to look at our books to bring you highlights of our favorite beauty tips and indispensable always and never.
Here are the following:
1. Try sleeping for 7 or 8 hours a day however many your busyness, there is no treatment or mask around the world that can match that. This is not an exaggeration of fact, Madam, but accepted scientifically proven.
2. Eat citrus fruits as snacks to the other are beneficial for the kidneys, liver and skin. Remember, there is a direct link between the members of the body and skin.
3. Massage into your face when you wash it or put its own moisturizers daily. The massage stimulates blood circulation and it will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.
4. Use the pads clean the pores of the nose of the other transport once every week or two. Immediate result and that's what will make you feel you are better (better = brighter complexion).
5. Put the sunblock sunlight a day so if you don't plan to sun exposure, it does not protect against harmful rays, but also environmental pollution as well. If possible, avoid Tan into the beauty salon "solarium"!
6. Eat chocolate in small amounts on a daily basis especially black that contains few calories. It contains antioxidants that protect the skin and prevent wrinkles. And be not afraid, there is no scientific research found no link between eating chocolate and acne.
7. The exercise of the other (at least one hour per week), this helps to access oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. And if you hate sports (like us), what do you think about some of the music to dance and play with yourself or your friends in the afternoon? Certain that your skin would appreciate you and be grateful.
8. Use peeled and catcher once a week. The fact that most women beautiful skin they exfoliate skin once a week and then relax for 20 minutes with the mask or humidifier cleaner. The result will dovetail with the passage of time!
9. Drink a cup of green tea (preferably without sugar added) at any hour of the day, especially when you feel you need to relax. One of the benefits of this tea are: moisturizing and anti-aging.
10. Avoid makeup whenever you the opportunity. This will allow the skin to breathe better and will make it look great and renewed when you put make-up.
11. Don't forget your lips after peeling your face weekly. Put then some pomade moisturizer over it and feel super smooth long did not feel them.
12. Clean your eyes with eye drops from time to time. It has nothing to do with the skin, but it will give a glow to the face.
13. Eat a few raw almonds as a snack during the day. Almond rich Omega 3 and vitamin E means it remains young and healthy skin cells.
14. last but not least, always smile, nothing (and we mean what we say) can match a beautiful smile and full of life!
This week and talk about the bright skin, we decided to look at our books to bring you highlights of our favorite beauty tips and indispensable always and never.
Here are the following:
1. Try sleeping for 7 or 8 hours a day however many your busyness, there is no treatment or mask around the world that can match that. This is not an exaggeration of fact, Madam, but accepted scientifically proven.
2. Eat citrus fruits as snacks to the other are beneficial for the kidneys, liver and skin. Remember, there is a direct link between the members of the body and skin.
3. Massage into your face when you wash it or put its own moisturizers daily. The massage stimulates blood circulation and it will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.
4. Use the pads clean the pores of the nose of the other transport once every week or two. Immediate result and that's what will make you feel you are better (better = brighter complexion).
5. Put the sunblock sunlight a day so if you don't plan to sun exposure, it does not protect against harmful rays, but also environmental pollution as well. If possible, avoid Tan into the beauty salon "solarium"!
6. Eat chocolate in small amounts on a daily basis especially black that contains few calories. It contains antioxidants that protect the skin and prevent wrinkles. And be not afraid, there is no scientific research found no link between eating chocolate and acne.
7. The exercise of the other (at least one hour per week), this helps to access oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. And if you hate sports (like us), what do you think about some of the music to dance and play with yourself or your friends in the afternoon? Certain that your skin would appreciate you and be grateful.
8. Use peeled and catcher once a week. The fact that most women beautiful skin they exfoliate skin once a week and then relax for 20 minutes with the mask or humidifier cleaner. The result will dovetail with the passage of time!
9. Drink a cup of green tea (preferably without sugar added) at any hour of the day, especially when you feel you need to relax. One of the benefits of this tea are: moisturizing and anti-aging.
10. Avoid makeup whenever you the opportunity. This will allow the skin to breathe better and will make it look great and renewed when you put make-up.
11. Don't forget your lips after peeling your face weekly. Put then some pomade moisturizer over it and feel super smooth long did not feel them.
12. Clean your eyes with eye drops from time to time. It has nothing to do with the skin, but it will give a glow to the face.
13. Eat a few raw almonds as a snack during the day. Almond rich Omega 3 and vitamin E means it remains young and healthy skin cells.
14. last but not least, always smile, nothing (and we mean what we say) can match a beautiful smile and full of life!