Many bags and dark circles under the eyes, and be a source of concern for the urgent desire to hide, this gives you , this article to help you little know ways to hide or get rid of them.
First you must find out the working artist to appear:It is a dark circles and bags under the eyes of various factors.
1. Diet
Following an integrated diet the nutrients your body needs, leading to her appearance.
2. Do not sleep long enough
Every body needs a certain number of hours to complete his rest, so you need to take enough sleep, known as 6 hours at night.
3. Anemia
May have anemia or anaemia» because of the causes leading to the emergence of these dark circles or puffiness, if confirmed by a physician and blood analysis can be processed.
4. Genetic factors
If you have anyone in your family suffers from the same problem, and also the puffiness under the eye may be this is the main reason.
5. Some diseases
Some diseases can cause this problem, for example if you suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.
6. Sleep mode
Another reason why your position during sleep. If you're someone who slept on their profile, you might notice a swelling under the eye on the side that you consider it, also sleeping on the stomach helps these bulges.
* After you find out the causes leading to the emergence of «bulges and dark circles under the eye, here are some natural masks that help alleviate these dark circles and puffiness:
1. The mask option
Cutting the number 1 option and tablespoons in a blender for a smooth texture, then put the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to hold together, the status of your fingertips down your eyes for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
2. Milk mask
Mix together a quarter Cup of milk with 4 tablespoons albikeng soda with a fork until the mixture is combined, in the fridge for a bit, then freezes them under your eyes for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Note: Avoid entering the eye catcher, and if this occurs, wash your eyes with cold water.
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