Mumps... Disease distorts the beauty of spring

The mumps disease suffered by children and adolescents and occasionally young famous diseases and their reputation intimidate parents when they know that their son is infected with mumps because avant-gardist that complications from the disease of infertility in males.
Incubation period
Incubation period is the period from the beginning of the invasion of microbe and the onset of the first signs of the disease.

In mumps, the disease incubation period ranging between 12-24 days. The disease is transmitted via droplets from the nose and throat fly the patient, the infection spreads and move in confined spaces where groups of children such as nurseries and kindergartens, schools, clubs and places of indoor games, and for this it is necessary to prevent the
Children infected with the disease with healthy children to heal from disease.

Disease symptoms mumps
Injury: phase is the beginning of the symptoms of the disease and take 24 to 48 hours and begins with high fever, general feeling unwell with anorexia, as well as feeling a headache accompanied by pain in the ear may be in one ear or both.
Parotid gland hypertrophy phase: in this phase the

Deck glands located under the ear swells and becomes painful for one side or both sides together.

The surrounding skin is warm because the infected salivary glands which secrete saliva.
Automatic pain may occur at the front of the ear itself and the pain usually occurs during swallowing and chewing.
This is accompanied by inflation in the salivary glands, a rise in temperature of the patient for up to 38-39 °c and continue to rise for a period ranging from two to five days.
Dip enlarged glands occur very slowly and affects every aspect of the face to an overgrown and inflamed the inflation and swelling on the other side has disappeared.
Either convalescence begins after three or four days of onset of symptoms of disease or tumor, inflation might continue five days to 10 days.
Treatment of mumps
The first step in the treatment 
Children infected with mumps require to be fed Lina does not require chewing is easy to swallow and digestible for the operation open mouth walmda cause pain to the child. For this it is also important to drink a lot of fluids and nutrients for the baby.

And the patient may need to have some pain-relieving drugs, particularly in the event of not being able to sleep because of the pain.
Complications of mumps
Mumps common diseases and complications occur rarely but if the virus causing the disease has infected one other Member affected by it then spoke of complications.
If the virus causing the disease has infected nervous system may lead to neurological complications t.

Back in four to eight days from the beginning of the infection.

the most common pneumonia are those which affect membranes meningitidis and accompanied by high fever, severe headaches and blurred vision in the eye, vomiting and pain in the spine, especially cervical.
as well as the patient suffers from severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting and feeling dizzy as a result of pancreatitis and was killed by the virus.
ovarian inflammation in female abdominal pain occurs if the right side of the abdomen is very similar with the appendicitis pain.
kidney inflammation of rare complications and bleeding occurs from the tube and the temperature rises and facial swelling occurs.
myocarditis where heart is troubled with minor difficulty breathing with sharp pain in the chest.
otitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland are rare complications.
encephalitis occurs rarely with disorder of consciousness of feeling drowsiness to coma and respiratory disorder or paralysis of the facial muscles.
Prevention of mumps
Vaccination against mumps vaccinations are mandatory in the State of Kuwait is given at the end of the first year of the

Children with immunization for rubella and measles «MMR» and the second dose is given at the second year of his age.

And may give a serum containing the antibodies the immune «antibodies-antibodies» defence when mixing with the child of someone who is infected and is very useful if its early vaccination that prevents complications.
And parents prevent children with mumps, particularly if it occurs between siblings, neighbors and relatives.
The people of child mumps that prevented from mixing with non-infected healthy children to be cured of the disease does not cause the transmission to them.

Can the complications of mumps to infertility?
If a virus «mumps virus» adults or teenagers, there are likely to be involved in the testicle

Inflammation is known to be less complications in small age.
These infections lead to testicular pain with its swelling symptoms last from four to six days and in most cases the testicle is completely healed after that period.
There is a common belief that inflammation of the parotid glands «mumps MUMPS» leads to infertility in male and female children and this famous parents questions teased them when their child's infection with mumps.
And answer these questions and clarify this issue it should be emphasized that genital inflammation testicular and ovarian «»» never happens before puberty and those complications when young, the full recovery of the eighty percent.
It is known medically and scientifically established that inflammation occurs as a complication in one testicle only and does not extend to the other testicle and the incidence of mumps does not affect the ability to reproduce.
But the occurrence of Orchitis instructs the patient to rest in bed for at least a week.
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