Fish is a precious treasure to enjoy health and wellness. The nutrition expert Klaus Richter that fish is the best source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3), which plays an important role in the metabolism of fat in the human body and the cardiovascular system. It also represents the fundamental building block of cell membranes, as well as the needs of the body to the brain and tissue building.
The Richter of the food safety Division's Federal Institute for risk assessment in Berlin, although the quality of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the form of medicines can be purchased at pharmacies, but it's better to supply the body with these acids naturally through foods rather than dietary supplements. These acids are also available in some vegetable oils, flax seed oil and walnut oil.
The German expert noted that fish has many other health benefits, which include health, proteins can be digested easily without that contain large amounts of fat are harmful. Richter was that fish also supply the body with vitamin d it needs to complete the metabolism of the bone and muscles, pointing out that it is true that the body can build large amounts of this vitamin through skin exposure to sunlight, but this is not always sufficient, especially during the winter.
Fish also contains some minerals which the body composition, such as selenium, which has great importance for certain types of enzymes and proteins to the immune system.
To supply the body with sufficient amounts of these items useful, advised the German expert Richter eating fish once or twice a week at least.
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